مبادرة البحث العلمي لمقارنة الاديان

هل اقتبس القرآن الكريم من كتب اليهود والنصارى؟
تأليف: سامي العامري
هل اقتبس القرآن الكريم من كتب اليهود والنصارى؟ | مبادرة البحث العلمي لمقارنة الأديان
تعريف بالدكتور سامي العامري
Sami Ameri, Ph.D.
Sami Ameri is a Professor of Islamic Studies. He is a prolific author in Arabic on Islam and other faiths’ challenges. He is a co-founder of the Academic Research of Comparative Religion Initiative, a research organization for interfaith dialogue. He strives to provide an accurate picture of the Islamic faith to non-Muslim readers. He believes that Muslim scholars have to engage themselves in more in-depth inter-faith dialogue in order to better present Islam in the public arena as it is in the academic sphere. He also urges his colleagues in this field, to study Christian scriptures in their original languages in order to gain a true image of the faith of their neighbors in the Muslim world and in the West.
Specialized Areas

  • New Testament textual criticism
  • Early Christianity
  • Orientalism
  • Qur’anic studies
  • Sunnah studies

  • Arabic
  • English
  • French
  • Biblical Hebrew
  • Syriac
  • Koine Greek