مؤتمر الدراسات القرآنية بأكسفورد

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تطوان المغرب
ينظم معهد القرآن بأكسفورد مؤتمرا دوليا يومي 16-17 يوليوز 2011 حول الدراسات القرآنية باللغة الإنجليزية، وفيما يلي معلومات عن المؤتمر كما جاءت في المطوية الخاصة به:

Call for Papers

We would like to receive papers on the following topics:

- The interpretation and interpreters of the Quran

- The History of Printing the Quran

- The Calligraphy and Art in Creating Quranic Copies

- The Quran on the World Wide Web

- The Law and the Quran

- The Sufism and Irfan based on the Quran

- The Quranic Institutions across the World

- The Quranic Events Across the World

- The Archaeology in and of the Quran

We shall consider other topics as well.

Deadline for Abstracts: 18 May 2011

Deadlinde for full papers: 18 June 2011

Please submit to:

[email protected]

Abstracts should be within 400 to 500 words in MS or PDF formats.

The full submitted paper must be between 3000 to 3500 words in MS or PDF format.

We will be pleased to consider other forms of presentations including power point or poster displays.

Please include your names, address and any affiliationas in your submissions.

All interested in participation must fill the registration form. Please click here for the form.

Registration fees:
£350 for institutions
£300 for scholars
£200 for students

SOCA, Lake Street
Oxford England
